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Living in God's abundance, flourishing in every way!

embrace biblical stewardship and generosity today

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The Unlimited Source


We believe that God is the unlimited source of everything we have. Jesus has come to give us life – a life of abundance, flourishing in every way. We are free to give because it is all God's!

As people created in God’s image, we are to be generous like Him. We are God’s stewards of all that is entrusted to us – including our talent, time, treasure, and all of life.

We find real joy when we give open-handedly and live selflessly. We are set free from the bondage of fear, worry, isolation, and insecurity. We experience “life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). This is the Good News we proclaim!

“I started to apply what I learned about biblical
stewardship in my own life, and even in our family
and our faith community, Manna from Heaven
Center, and also applied it in our bakery business.
Knowing that God owns everything and He is in
control of life changed our trajectory.”

Dr. Ruthie Marasigan

Business owner and ministry leader

Stories from the Community


Advancing the Kingdom of God through biblical stewardship education and catalyzing a culture of biblical generosity.

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